for maximum confidentiality or for files that are too “heavy” to be transmitted
With the incognito mode, it is you (by pressing the button) that will calculate on your device the fingerprint, or unique code or hash, of the file you intend to deposit on the blockchain. We will only receive this hash and deposit it on the blockchain. In any case, remember that the mathematical algorithm that produces the hash of a file is freely available on the Internet and, therefore, the hashing operation is very easy to reproduce in a totally autonomous and indipendent way. Finally, a couple of warnings / suggestions. The registration certificate and all the other output of the registration procedure will contain, as the identifier of the file you are uploading, only its hash..
From the hash it is impossible (with the existing technology and with all the computational power of the Earth) to reconstruct the original file. This is a guarantee of confidentiality but be careful not to lose the original file: knowing that a certain hash was deposited today on the blockchain is of no help if you cannot produce the original file that generated that hash. See here. To prove ownership of an incognito blockchain file in 50 years, provide the registration certificate and calculate the file’s hash today.