1.Compression with .zip (or equivalent)

The reason why we invite you to compress your files in a zip is twofold. First, you save space and therefore waiting times during loading are shortened. Secondly, with the zip it is very easy to password protect some types of documents that you send us and that are of a confidential nature. Operationally speaking, to make things simpler, we recommend gathering all documents that need password protection, zipping them and  adding a password to the entire zip file. If you don’t already know how to do it, there are many websites that explain the procedure to follow.

There are countless tools for compressing files or directories into a “.zip” file. Some are incorporated into the other operating system can be downloaded for free. Less well known are instead the encryption programs that limit the opening of files to those who do not have the password. Many compression programs (ex: WinRar), allow simultaneously to compress and encrypt in a very simple way.

NB: for security reasons our WordPress website does not accept files with certain types of extensions (eg: .rar). If you use WinRar remember to save the compressed file with a .zip extension instead of .rar. Even with regard to some encryption extensions, WordPress may refuse to allow file uploads.

2. Encryption with .crypto (or equivalent)

As for the .zip programs, there are many apps dedicated to encryption, which are also free and extremely easy to use. We advise Encrypto, which is easy and free.