Protect your ideas


dedicated to the certification of works intended for public circulation.
  • File storage in your CreativityCloud
  • Max dimension of the single files: 64MB


for the certification of confidential documents that can’t leave your device.
  •  Max confidentiality.
  • File bigger than 64MB

*The registration on the blockchain (both with the StandardMode and the IncognitoMode) is a guarantee of confidentiality. However, with the StandardMode the staff of CreativitySafe assigned to IT security could access the content of the files made available in your reserved area of ​​the CreativityCloud. If you want to learn more about the use of the IncognitoMode (useful among other things in the case of very large files, such as video files), we prepared a quick and lean Guide.

What files should I prepare?

A well-done Authorship Dossier for an effective defense of your rights.


Primary work to be protected

Choose a file representative of your creation, be it text or audio, video or images.

Supplemental documentation

Do you have documentation proving the authorship of the work, such as newspaper articles, posts on social networks or advertising campaigns?

Proof of Use - Optional

Useful to show that the work was presented in public or used in commercial practice (website screenshots, window photos, newspaper articles / magazines, videos of a public performance …)


File .zip

  • Create a zip file of your main project
  • Protect the file with a password
  • If you still have doubts about how to prepare a Proof of Author Dossier, follow our Guide